Design Management

The Design Management role is quickly becoming recognised as a critical role within the construction industry and essential to translate design concept into a reality. Insight Design Managers bring together architects, structural engineers and services engineers, along with specialist designers to direct the building design.

Innovation & Business Engineering will:

– Manage often large design teams who may be working with different goals to enable them to produce a co-ordinated and coherent design.
– Control the design process taking account of programme, commercial and technical challenges.
– Encourage, motivate and inspire design consultants to produce their best work using their experience, resources and talents in a cost-effective way.
– Make sure the design process recognises current legislation, standards and codes of practice.
Ensure design information is of the right quality and keeps pace with project timescales.
– Diligently record the evolution and development of the design.
– Strive to eliminate health and safety risk in the design and also financial risk during construction.
– This role requires technical and managerial knowledge and appreciation of all aspects of the construction process.